De Vine Farm Pedigree Main Window
To start the De Vine Farm pedigree program:
- Click on "Start" in the Windows taskbar - usually in the lower left hand corner.
The start menu is displayed.
- Click on "Programs" about half way up the menu.
Another menu is displayed to the right of the start menu.
- Click on "De Vine Farm Pedigree".
A single item menu is displayed to the right.
- Click on the single item - "De Vine Farm Pedigree".
The main (Pedigree) window is displayed first and looks like this:
The titlebar contains the name of the breed database (Mastiff in this example)
followed by the number of dogs in the database.
The menubar contains five menus: "File", "List", "View", "Tools", and "Help".
Directly below the menubar is the Registered Name of the dog whose pedigree is displayed,
the "diamond" button which displays a list of dogs names to choose from, the "Next"
and "Previous" buttons which allow the user to go back and forth between pedigrees already
viewed, and the "Detail" and "Generation" toggles.
Within the pedigree the dogs whose names are in bold have "OFA" in their notes, and
those whose names are underlined have "OFEL" (OFA elbows) in their notes.
If the "Detail" toggle is selected (as above) the dog's detailed information is
displayed in a view only format. If the "Generation" toggle is selected the dog's
fifth generation is displayed (as below).
The user can select a different pedigree to display using the "diamond" button to the
right of the "Registered Name" field, or if the dog's name is visible in the pedigree,
by simply clicking on the dog's name. To select from the list:
- Click on the "diamond" button to the right of the "Registered Name" field.
A list of dog's names is displayed in alphabetic order starting with the current dog.
- Either start typing the dog's name (the list will auto scroll),
or use the scrollbar to scroll to the dog's name.
- Click on the dog's name.