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We are not currently breeding, but we decided to leave this page up
to provide information to puppy buyers.
If you have not done so already, please
take a moment to read out contracts, pet and/or
show. The following is
an explination of our contracts and why they are written this way.
Contracts work for both parties, both the seller and the buyer.
All contracts should state all terms and agreements and nothing
should be left up to the imagination. Do not accept any promises
made verbally, and insist that everything be in writing, signed
by both parties. Verbal agreements and handshakes are unfortunately
a thing of the past, and only a precise, written contract will
bind both parties to the agreement.
We have two separate contracts, one for pets and one for show
potential. Both contracts require that the pups be tested for
hips, elbows and eyes, at least. We require testing for several
reasons, one being that you need to know what you have so you
will know how to deal with any problems in the future and to make
sure your pup is sound enough to do all the wonderful things you
planned, such as obedience, conformation, carting, agility, backpacking,
etc., and to make sure you have a sound, happy companion. The
other reason is for us to know how we are doing in our breeding
program. If we only test the pup we kept, we will not know if
it was the best or the worst out of the litter and if we wish
to continue breeding the mother or the father. Knowing what all
the siblings are contributes more to the genetic information than
even what both parents have rated. All data gathered from any
Monarch Mastiff is considered public knowledge and is published
in the De Vine Farm Pedigree Program,
the Mastiff Reporter, and
permission is given for the OFA to use in their open registry.
Any dog from us considered for breeding must first be fully tested
and passed before breeding. We require that our dogs be bred
only to other tested dogs. This is our way of helping to preserve
the breed by reducing the incidences of genetic diseases and problems
and hopefully contributing to the betterment of the breed.
We also require our pups to have their preliminary OFA's before showing
in conformation for two reasons. One is that you will know what you
have and will be dealing with in the future and two so that you do not
waste a lot of money showing a dog that will eventually be spayed or
neutered. If your pup does not pass a test for some reason, and you
really want to show it, we can make allowances for that pup, but it must
be spayed or neutered for the guarantee to take effect.
Most of our show puppies are co-owned for the first two years
simply as an insurance policy that the dog will be tested and
bitches not bred before they are two years old. It is a shame
that we had to resort to this but there are many unscrupulous
people out there who are good talkers and have no intention of adhering to the contract.
Once the requirements are met, before any of the dogs are bred, we will sign off
on the registration. All pups sold
on a co-ownership agreement are yours, free and clear, and we
get no further remuneration such as a puppy back, unless that
was part of our original agreement. Occasionally, we will keep
breeding rights to a male and rarely to a female, but only if
both parties agree on the terms and conditions beforehand. The
MCOA allows breeders to have eight litters in two years so we
have no interest in having our names on your dog once he/she reaches
breeding age. We often sign off on the dog as soon as they earn
their championship title even if before two years. Pet puppies
are not co-owned and are sold on a limited registration, of course.
Feeding Instructions, Pedigree, Vaccination Schedule
You will notice in our contract that we say that the feeding
guidelines and pedigree will be separate, labeled addendum's 1,
2, and 3. If we included all of the above in the contract, it
would be a bound volume! Usually, at the time you first see our
contract, you don't know which litter your pup will be from, so
adding a pedigree is useless. Our feeding instructions, vaccination
schedule and pedigree come in the puppy pack you will receive
with your pup. The vaccination
schedule cannot be included in the contract for the same reasons
stated above, and will come with your puppy showing what vaccinations,
the brand of vaccine, the date, and when the next series of shots
are due, as well as when the pup was dewormed and with what.
All of our puppies are fully guaranteed against genetic defects that will possibly hurt the dog. We do not want to sell you a crippled pup any more than you want to buy one. If you ever decide that you do not want your pup anymore, we will always take them back, regardless of age or circumstance. If you have bought a pup as a show/breeding prospect, and for some reason they do not turn out as expected, we will replace the pup or refund a portion of you money, bringing the cost of the pup down to pet price, once the pup is spayed/neutered, and we rewrite the contract on a pet contract. You may keep the pup if you wish, or return it for a full replacement. Most people do not want to part with their pup since they have become attached. We do not make you return the pup if you do not wish to, but want you to know that the option is always there if you need it.
With Hip Dysplasia (HD) so ingrained in the breed and about 50% of
Mastiffs born having some degree of dysplasia, we guarantee our
pet pups against moderate or severe HD and our show pups against
any form. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell on a eight
week old pup if it will have HD or some other genetic defect.
I wish there were!! We also guarantee all of our pups against
genetic elbow dysplasia, including ununited anconeal process (UAP),
fragmented choronoid process (FCP) and severe forms of degenerative
joint disease (DJD). We
do not guarantee against mild DJD (grade 1) since it can also
be acquired by jumping, heavy roughhousing, batting heavy objects
and balls around, etc., and generally does not hurt the dog or
require any treatment. All of our pups are guaranteed against
any genetic eye defect which would cause blindness, such as
Retinal Atrophy (PRA), retinal detachment, geographic retinal
dysplasia, hereditary cataracts, etc. Temperament is also guaranteed
but is very subjective. Should a pup of ours become vicious
without provocation, extremely dog aggressive, have Rage Syndrome,
or some other severe form of a temperament abnormality, the pup
will be replaced as per the original contract agreement.
People often ask why we have the clause in the contract giving
us specific permission to drop by without any notice. This is
written in for the protection of the Mastiff and for no other reason.
If we were to get a call that our dog was being abused, tied
to a tree, or in desperate need of medical attention, this clause
gives us the right to come and retrieve the dog and tend to it's
needs. We realize that it is a sad world indeed where things
like this have to be spelled out, but unfortunately, we both know
that things like this do occur. Another instance may be where
the owners were injured in an accident and were in the hospital
and not home to care for their dog, or the owner may be in jail
or otherwise indisposed against their will. So far, we have
not had to invoke that part of the contract and do not just drop
in on people unannounced. If we wish to simply visit our pup,
we always call ahead and make an appointment.
Return Policy
You may return your dog to us at any time, for any reason. We wrote this clause in to insure that we always have the first right of refusal on any dog produced by us. This is also an insurance policy for you, the buyer, to know that your dog will always have a home, if the need arises. If you have decided to give up your dog and wish it to go to another responsible family or person, then we can rewrite the contract and transfer the dog to another party, if we at Monarch agree to the new home first. We want to know where our dogs are at all times, who they are with and what is happening to them. We do charge a daily kennel fee on any returned dogs, mainly to insure that the dogs aren't being returned just for the money. We actually had a person want to return her pup because she needed the money to take a vacation! She said she would buy it again when she got back! We have also included a clause that in the event of our death or incapacitation that you can call upon MCOA Rescue for assistance in placing the dog. You will never be in a situation where you have to leave and have no where to send the dog. We want to do everything in our power to see that no dog of ours ever ends up at the pound or shelter or with someone who just wants it to breed to Pit Bulls or something.
There are a few more paragraphs in our contract that may need a little explaining. Each item has a reason for being there, either due to an unfortunate incident with another buyer, or because it is required by the MCOA. If you have any questions about any part of the contract, why it is written this way, or need to alter or delete a portion to suit your needs, please feel free to contact us and discuss the matter. We often customize the contract to suit individuals, although there are some points that we cannot change due to their being a requirement in the MCOA Code Of Ethics.