Ch. Creekview's Plantation Boo Bear CD,WD,TDI,CGC![]() ![]() AKC#: WP502125/02 BORN: 8/9/1993 PROVEN: yes Description: COLOR : silver fawn WHITE MARKINGS: none MASK : standard, black ears COAT : HEIGHT : 34 1/2 WEIGHT : 208 BITE : level EYE COLOR : dark BONE SIZE : huge TAIL : standard ANGULATION: moderate NAILS : all black Health Exams: HIPS : OFA MF-2017G24M,prelim GOOD ELBOW: OFEL MF-EL296 EYES : CERF MF-649/95-24 Patellas: OFA MF-PA34/25/M THYROID : normal vWD : normal vWF:Ag: 98% Temperament: CGC,TDI ATTITUDE TOWARD OTHER DOGS : friendly ATTITUDE TOWARD STRANGERS : friendly ATTITUDE TOWARD NEW SITUATIONS: curious / at ease Pedigree: -*Ch. Deer Run Ezekiel -*Ch. Burns Hall Zackery OFA MF1175G42M,CERF Ch. Thorchelseaias Noel SIRE: Am.Can.Ch. Matts Joshua Of Dogwood Knoll -Rapscallion's Sir Winston -Ch. Burns Hall Nicole OFA MF1223F53F -Ch. Night Stalker Sarah Anne -*Ch. Deer Run Ezekiel -Ch. Old School Sergeant Major OFA MF712G35M -Ch. Old School Ursa Major DAM: Ch. Old School Creekview Major K, CD OFA MF1696G52F -Ch. Autumn River Big Ben -Old School Ben's Autumn Major -Ch. Old School Ursa Major Comments: 1/96 NO LONGER AVAILABLE AS A STUD DOGI am a 44 year old Ellie Mae Clampett wannabe and have had dogs forever. But if I had to choose between all the dogs I've ever owned or Boo Boo, I'd choose Boo Boo, my miracle dog. Spring of '95 we began showing him and to our delight he got 14 points in a handful of shows. We decided then to pull him from competition and hoped from Winner's Dog at the MCOA Specialty. Three days before the Specialty, Boo went into the woods while Tom stood on the driveway and when he called Boo Boo didn't respond. I knew immediately that something was dreadfully wrong since he's always the first one to return, big gallops and grinning face. Tom then began tromping the woods and I got in the car and started rolling down the road, whistling and calling for him between sobs and prayers. At 3 AM we called it a night and went to bed holding each other and hoping for a miracle. Tom got up at 5:30 and started to search again. After half an hour of looking all over our 28 acres, he turned around and there was Boo Boo, standing there smiling at him. The left side of his head was twice its normal size, eye completely shut, and he had a huge gash in his leg but he was somehow able to limp back to the house and get in the van. We drove him to the vet, got him stitched up and took him home to begin intensive T Touch therapy, rubbing and massaging his head hoping that he would still be the smart, calm dog he's always been. To our amazement within three days the swelling subsided and the limp began to disappear. My best dog friend was back and going to be fine; I got my miracle... Boo Boo is a huge, sweet, spoiled rotten sofa mastiff. His strengths are his fluid, powerful movement, perfect topline, great humor, intelligence, physical soundness, pigment, long body, bone, good angulation, correct ear size and tail length/set, and good tight monstrous feet. He excels at therapy work and is one of the breed's greatest ambassadors and educators. Weaknesses: slow to mature (just beginning to bulk up at two), "soft" dog - in obedience I must ignore his mistakes and reinforce his successes since he gets crushed when you fuss at him. Available to tested bitches with impeccable temperaments as soon as he completes his CD and becomes a working dog. Published Offspring: Marnay's Always On Target CERF Published Full Siblings: Cluny's Josh's Jericho Warrior Creekview's Major Annabelle, CD OFAg,CERF *Ch. Creekview's Major Montgomery, CD,TT,CGC,WD OFAg25,OFEL,CERF Creekview's Nana Wrightous Daniel Of Creekview Owner: NAME : Jill McMahon MAIL TO : MCMASTIFF@aol.com KENNEL NAME: Plantation ADDRESS : 4620 Durham Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614 PHONE : (919) 847-4951 Breeder: K. Routten |